Our Approach
We are an organisation with a grand and noble purpose, our mission is to help all human beings flourish, and help make the world’s organisations, institutions and societies better.
We believe that collectively through small changes in people's perspective, we can ultimately remove a broad range of 'frictions' in societies that have arisen from practices of the past. We believe that these 'frictions' are leading to challenges and in-balances in society that we can move beyond, and be 'better'.
We are doing this by helping human beings progress themselves, collating the world’s largest anonymous database of human consciousness and social friction measurement, then identifying meaningful trends in extracts to organisations, institutions and people in positions of responsibility.
Our core ‘ Atlas’ zeitgiest and social friction measurement database is operated and owned in a way that prevents any organisation from abusing it. It is there for anonymous, open analysis and research available to all.
Our core beliefs are:
- That key to being a better human is to identify understand, recognise and address the struggles we have with things that hold us back in reaching our aspirations and potential
- That we all do and can help each other with our respective struggles (Hero's Journey)
- That the basis of reducing struggles is a basis for social friction measurement
- That the role of those with responsibility and seeking to measure social impact and frictions will significantly be advantaged if equipped with data around what holds the people in their domain from achieving their potential, vision and dreams
Better is more than just a system; it's a platform for continuous, real-time action and verified activism, continual open voice. Unlike traditional methods, Better transforms data about the key 'frictions' people face into a form that is highly practical and useful.
We are an organization wholly committed to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and improving the information sets to, and accountability of, those in positions of authority. Our goal is to make things so much better.
We also believe that whilst the core of Better is a private non for profit, not for sale enterprise, there are substantial commercial as well as social purpose opportunities that surround Better that can provide a meaningful financial return on monies used to fund Better. For more information reach out to us at [email protected]
Our Vision
Our vision is to improve humanity. We aim to provide a real-time system that supports and enhances basic human rights such as freedom of expression and opinion, and the right to participate in cultural, social, and political life. We strive to connect people together to improve lives and provide meaningful information sets that help those in positions of authority make better decisions.
Our Mission
Our mission is to bridge the gap between those in need and those who can help. We aim to pioneer and deploy new techniques and a tech platform to assist people with self-expression and involvement in governing processes. We strive to provide a ubiquitous tech platform for this purpose.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to ensure that nobody falls through the cracks. We aim to help individuals improve their lives, express what holds them back, and participate. We strive to assist those who oversee organizations and groups of people to make better decisions and direct their energies more effectively.
Our Impact
We believe that we can bring about significant change. For people, we aim to guide them in life and help them recognize and remove the blocks in moving ahead. For overseers, we aim to equip them with better information and perspective about the people they represent. For those who can help, we aim to make it easier for them to find and engage with those who need help. For those who fuel progress, we aim to provide them with more objective data sets from which to make decisions, and to keep them informed about real progress.
The Possibility
We believe that Better can be a system that can change the lives of millions of people, for better.
Our Story
'Better' came around from decades of observation of human behaviour, the recognition for a deep need for social impact measurement, combined with the quest to find a common thread amongst all human beings.
The founding group believe that they have found this common thread, which is about making things 'Better'
Meet the Team
'Better' is lead by Stuart Holdsworth who has built a team of expert advisers to be the foundation governing council of 'Better'.

Stuart Holdsworth
Stuart is a person with an unconstrained mind. He brings considerable perspective to issues and discussions
Advisory Team
'Better' advisory team is made from select individuals who have a track record in improving people's lives and organisation success. 'Better's' advisory team proudly consists of:
- Creel Price -Entrepreneur | Educator | Entreprenaissance Evangelist
- Michelle Duval - Founder, CEO, Entrepreneur Coach
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